Friday, December 11, 2009

Sample Kid Welcome Letter Wedding What Kind Of Rules/privileges/punishments Do You Use With Your Kids?

What kind of rules/privileges/punishments do you use with your kids? - sample kid welcome letter wedding

This is a class of child development, I have chosen. I try to find models of parenthood. Is sometimes very obvious source - too strict or too lenient parents in everything, but sometimes it is very versatile. People who have no parents welcome to answer, but please specify the age / age group who are the "guidelines". Sample response:
Girl 10 years
It should help with the dishes, clothes, animals, maintenance of clean rooms.
You can watch as movies and PG13 Light R.
Check the TV every evening.
You can around the block itself can be left alone at home for several hours.
You can words like "shit" and "suck" to say, but nothing worse.
They have a bed at 10:00 Clock.
Can be left in the movie / mall itself are not allowed to go to concerts with.
You get a phone until graduation (with parents).
Punishment of the earth, he would be punished by flogging.
There is only one example of a response from a man I know.
Thank you!


Mr. Cleatus said...

Male, 11 years
You need your room clean, look after your pet, clean your place at the table, you must complete all tasks on time.
G and PG movies and can watch some movies preview parental PG13.
You can go to the store alone. You can spend a limited time, at home alone. It may be in the library of their own. Travel with friends or at home of the grandparents alone.
Ha 9:30 bedtime.
Trained emergency phone. You should not have cell phones during school hours. You can participate "between-er" in conjunction with parents or friends.
Disciplined by the hand spanking dress open at the back and the loss of certain benefits and land.
Conservative, Protestant, middle-class Euro-American.

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