Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ftp File Sharing Would This Be Considered Illegal File Sharing?

Would this be considered illegal file sharing? - ftp file sharing

If charging somewhere around $ 10 a month or something for someone who is a computer from the mine via FTP access (for whatever reason is) that they believe that illegal file sharing?

I mean, everything I do is leave my computer to access a tax is the tax files only access to my computer. From there you can do whatever they want, when I get a refund. They had him keep them.


Eagle1 Fox2 said...

File sharing is not illegal, but, whether intentionally or knowingly publish copyrighted material of existence available for download, it will be illegal.

EDIT: Never mind. It is different from P2P file-sharing with the RIAA suits. Most were persecuted downloaded, but uploaders (when publishing their content to download). It is to copyrighted material to others.

Myla said...

The files will be you and you can share your screen with anyone. They are "rental" of equipment and programs from a higher source. You bought programs and can allow anyone to use. Distribution are not free to make programs availalbe to illegally burned CD or downloading software that is completely different.

We are using desktop applications to distance the whole time.

NG said...

I do not know the details of the legislation that the RIAA and MPAA spurred by Congress, but I'm pretty sure it would be illegal (assuming you have protected by copyright something). They covered all the bases.

In reality, they only have files ripped from DVDs is illegal if it is against the copying of DVDs protected by copyright. Circumvention of protective measures against copying is now a crime (no matter what) they use, I thank you crapfest DMCA.

Golden said...

not enough. If you share file sharing and FTP ~ ~ for the moment that you. it really depends on what is allowed in the license.

Michael Q said...


You probably do not want the RIAA continues to find out.

Michael Q said...


You probably do not want the RIAA continues to find out.

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