Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hair Transplant Scar Hair Transplant In The Military: Record?

Hair transplant in the Military: Record? - hair transplant scar

So on what everyone told me I had permission to get in the Army with a scar hair transplant. The scar is aesthetic and has no impact on my fitness.

My only concern is his unprecedented in my medical history. My Recruiter told me to say "stop said a scar from an accident in childhood, but then I have a feeling that I'm lying ... that its not worth recruiting list because no one cares. But on the other side can a knowledgeable physician in this hair transplant scar link.

Should not worry and say: "The scar from an accident, as my recruiter or the application should file and request exemption to be made. What if you surrender and be ruled out at the moment you join? Im very happy and the next month, do not want to lose my contract .... What should I do?


BUGijane said...

Women connect with the scars of breast implants.

Do not worry.

Justin S said...

It is against the ethics code to tell you, the Members, but all the advertisers say they will lie. I am sure you will see the transformation and ask it to be honest and everything will be alright. Please do not ask do not tell, as if you were gay

Justin S said...

It is against the ethics code to tell you, the Members, but all the advertisers say they will lie. I am sure you will see the transformation and ask it to be honest and everything will be alright. Please do not ask do not tell, as if you were gay

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