Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tourture God Why Doesn't God Have A Wife? (people Who Are Opinionated)?

Why doesn't God have a wife? (people who are opinionated)? - tourture god

Why God has no wife, should not be allowed to love?

Why do not women priests in the Church?

tion is that if God is male, while the men are, God?

Why not give the quality of life and fertility in the world as holy in the cathedral?

Why the hell malice, is not really will not be heard, or he could simply call it bad if I do something to take responsibility for our problems that make God evil?

Was it right for the church believed to tourture and kill all that witches, but even if it is? He has done nothing wrong right? they were simply relying on the old religion.

know location is a sin?

So many questions I had, and I want other people veiws on them to find


♥Cуαηι∂e♥ Eνιl Aтнєιѕт Sυ¢¢υвυѕ™ said...

My view:

God has a wife, because there is.

People are not God, but women .. But I think we can say that in this life and this world we are all our own gods. For it is they who decide where to go.

I think it is as sacred ..? At least that's one of the main arguments of the Church does not allow gay marriage: "Marriage between a man and a woman. And it is for the production of children !!".. Pssssshft. Stupid fans! If we deny marriage, infertile heterosexual couples have the right and then?

The devil is not bad. Because it does not exist.

It was not fair! It is unforgivable bloody! Just another example of all religions "good" things that people make .. (And their supporters, anyway).

Knowledge is not a sin. Since the concept of sin is fiction. The man invented the "sin" .. I think there are good things and bad things in this world. I think we need a decision, and as decent human beings that we do what needs to ri.. It Ght values. There are legal. But "sin"? Nah. There.

nefertit... said...

First, I believe God is everything. I think we are all part of the infinite mind / body / agency. Secondly, it was an abomination for the church to do any harm, for any reason. You should place the practice of love and acceptance, turning their vision of paradise into an inferno. Knowledge is not a sin, church leaders simply want to keep the number of people who control their thoughts, therefore, control, calm and docile.

nefertit... said...

First, I believe God is everything. I think we are all part of the infinite mind / body / agency. Secondly, it was an abomination for the church to do any harm, for any reason. You should place the practice of love and acceptance, turning their vision of paradise into an inferno. Knowledge is not a sin, church leaders simply want to keep the number of people who control their thoughts, therefore, control, calm and docile.

SLF said...

which says that God is man really? Your question would be why God is not a man.
Oh, and there are women priests (non-Catholics, but in the Church of England) - there is currently much debate about whether there should be bishops.

argylesw... said...

God is not for him, knowing it has not already

The devil has a variety of "rank"

Fallow English and you know location knowing that it's actually not a real word

I think it has been hacked! said...

asked many questions that are answered not easy! but only the question you answer the question why God is not a woman! First you must understand that God is not a man! God does not live in our dimension. God has no need for women!

mark said...

May God be a woman or a thousand women, who knows. Id like to think that God is a beach

There are women priests

Yes. jk no problems

is. It is one of the holiest

God needed a contradiction close



deguello said...

It is too big for most women.

He can not find the audience.

He can not see who God is the God who always want God to change what has to be God

Angelo G said...

God is his own wife. And we express God's love for himself.

sirheins... said...

The witches of "Excalibur," said Merlin, "The time of the ancient gods are gone." How sad. Some call this progress.

sirheins... said...

The witches of "Excalibur," said Merlin, "The time of the ancient gods are gone." How sad. Some call this progress.

james said...

Who told you that life has brought into the world, not as a sanctuary in the church? Christians generally have much larger families than non-believers. We love families and children. Most adoptions in the world are held by Christians. Most orphanages in the world, founded by Christians.

Men are not God. And God is not a man. God is a spirit. God is like a man in the Scripture, because that is how it desribe the prophets mentioned.

There are no women priests of God, because God in some form of order ordered in all things, and God has never ordained a priest and pastor of FEMA. There were many women prophets, but no women leaders in the holy places of God.

Knowledge is not a sin.

God can not be bad. The problem comes from the free will of man, created by God. God is perfect.

On Witches: If 100 people living on an island, and everyone agrees that something is wrong and harmful to society, they have the right to make laws which they have agreed to enforce? Witchcraft is a selfish practice used to manipulate the world. Much of the witchcraft opens the practitioners of demonic possession. The demons raging in the communities. Nobody has to live with witchcraft.

Torture was added at a Catholic church, and most of his victims were Christians as "heretics."

God is love. He has the universe, because they are so full of love. He could not live alone, if desired. But as God is so big and so full of love, he wanted to share with others. But it would not be wrong to love the robot could not choose to love. He had a free will.

Was it) only for the communist atheists in Russia and other places of torture and death of millions of people (including Christians? Was it fair that the Aztecs gave their victims? What about the ancient Romans, who throw people to the lions killed or tortured for your entertainment? The audience loved it. If someone guilty of a crime ... It's all!

lil_egy_... said...

God is not a man. It is a form of energy) (Spirit. He transferred his energy in the universe, and it creates and the planets, stars, etc. ..

The devil is bad, because he was an angel, his name was Lucifer, and wrestled with God 1 / 3 of the angels in heaven, because I wanted to be like God, and he did not see the man. It was intended the viewer to see the whole earth, but did not want to.

Knowledge is not a sin, and therefore there is a Bible and answer all your questions, so that the Bible gives of knowledge.

The reason why he Preist felmale because fewer women than men, the Church, as stated in the Bible that man has dominion over his wife looks. (first book)

The church tortured witches do not know much, but the Catholic Church has enough shady things in the past crucades indulgences (etc. ..)

Erika said...

1 It must be) a non ... Orgasm is a thing in the world, are not necessary in the sky.
2) The church was created by humans. The men of the time believed that women as a sin. (Since most people wanted the F ---)
3) say the same thing that all the PPL who live in Georgia, the Americans that all Americans live in Georgia.
4) no idea
Go 5) against God, is evil. Not that God has a person to choose at random.
6) Once again, men who misinterpret the Bible. The Bible says not to kill, but we have the prisons and the death penalty.
7) Yes, it is.

Sunshine Zombie :3 said...

in this order:
God has a wife, because it would show favoritism. But Jesus was probably a woman, but he was left out of the Bible, which for that reason. [After all, why someone who is someone I love God more than you and I are.]

no women, because men were the former priest. and believe that we can not pass into the dark ages.

know. The church is very rare.

The devil is bad, because he does not agree with God. and God is the highest good. Therefore, the devil is in regard to sound evil. The devil is not something we can blame our problems, but we anyway, because I do not blame us. God might as well be wrong. who knows. was probably wrong. Maybe we can call God is really evil and Satan did not give them. do not really safe.

No. I go to a Catholic school [Non-Catholics on the road. I] agnostic. seems all the witch trials of Salem and the Spanish Inquisition ignored. In addition, the church has no right to AI wasll these people, because they believed something different from them.

no. Anyone who says otherwise is just scared that you can be prosecuted, lamb.

If you have further questions, I would like to respond. These are all the fun! ^ - ^

: 3

Aya Rose said...

1) He has a wife, you call Satan. It is a bit disturbing.
2) Since the Church is hostile to women.
3) I can not even think that if you're serious about GW Bush "Think of the face."
4) The women are objects of a few hundreds of years into Christianity. It was sold to the rich, and best, and most of the Gnostics were women.
5) The Devil wants to focus on God, about important things, the hairless apes, and not just men that God gives gifts of the remainder.
6) The church and God are two entirely different things.
7) In the eyes of the church, yes. Who knows what God really thinks.

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